01 June 2009

Birthdays come and gone

Though I've been quiet over here, we've been busy. Between birthday celebrations, apartment hunts and a visit to Paris, May was quite the bustling month. But let's start with the birthdays. This is the year of turning 30, and lucky Zoli got to do it first of the two of us. It seems like quite the milestone, until you think about the birthday of the Hamburg harbor. This year Zoli shared his birthday with the Hafengeburtstag, and when you consider that the harbor celebrated its 820th birthday 30 doesn't seem so bad. It seems downright young, in fact. Which, really, I guess it is.

We celebrated with asparagus (Spargel in German - oh baby is it Spargel season), a nice bottle of wine - and for the first time in ages, I made Zoli a birthday cake. The cake was Zoli's request and, as I like to call it, "Butter Masquerading as Cake." Don't get me wrong, it was quite good, but it was a Lot. Of. Butter. Thankfully we were able to pawn off - ahem - I mean bring the leftovers to our German class.

We also visited the Hafengeburtstag, which not only provided me ample entertainment at work with all the ships coming into the port, but also had the Swiss air force as a special guest this year. Apparently the fighter jets flying so low caused some consternation amongst the citizens of Hamburg, but the day we saw them they were quite fun.

Aside from celebrating, we spent the first two weeks of May going to look at apartments, trying to find a place to live when our lease ends in July. I know I'm out of practice, but this was intense - one open house Zoli went to had over 100 people. We were going to at least one Besichtigung per day (literally an inspection or perambulation), so that was essentially all we were doing. We saw some fabulous apartments, but for most landlords two Americans who won't be here for more than a few years are not the ideal candidates. However, we were ultimately successful and were offered an apartment in a cool old building with an ideal location. Bonus - we were offered it the day before we left for Paris to continue the birthday celebrations, making the trip that much nicer.

So, Paris. Paris was...Paris. Beautiful, grey, sunny...and holy crap there were lots of Americans. It was amazing, really, how much American English we heard in four days. I never really thought about how little English we hear here, American or otherwise, but it was the exact opposite in Paris. In practically every restaurant we visited there was at least one other group of Americans, including two American scientists in the café at the Maison Européenne de la photographie - and yes, I was eavesdropping on their conversation. Basically our trip consisted of lots of walking, visiting with our friend Joseph, some museum-going and of course a good amount of eating (including amazing handmade noodles).

It was relaxing and lovely and I think a pretty good way to celebrate turning 30. Though really, you'd have to ask Zoli.

1 comment:

oma said...

hey you two. happy birthday, zoli. congrats on the new place--here's to many more buttery cakes and fun meals in the kitchen.