16 June 2009

Household appliance #1

I can now say that I have bought a refrigerator. A tiny, adorable, A++ energy efficient European refrigerator. See that empty space down there under the counter? This baby will go there, along with a washing machine. A clothes washing machine. A clothes washing machine that means no more trips to the sketchy laundromat. Woohoo!

How does it feel? It feels like we're moving in five days and we don't have any furniture.* Not to worry, we are going to Ikea tomorrow (and you know how I feel about Ikea), both for some buying and for some pre-buying scouting. Our first piece of furniture is already in the apartment (more on that another time); on Sunday we're picking up furniture we bought from acquaintances who are moving to the US for a few years to do postdocs. (I wish they were moving to Seattle, it would be so nicely symmetric.) Our new apartment will be full soon enough, so at the moment I am enjoying its gorgeously empty state.

I imagine blog posts will be a bit scarce in the coming weeks (I know, as if they haven't been scarce before this - hey, this is two posts in one month!). We will be without phone (whatever) and internet (uh-oh) for a little while, but it will just give us time to find some furniture.

* For the record, this is not a complaint. Moving is a whole hell of a lot easier with no furniture. It's just confusing, and then after the move there's nowhere to sit but the random desk chair you bought and the exercise ball that you refused to deflate for the move because it took so damn long to pump it up after the last move. But still, not complaining.


Sarah R said...

Are your balconies big enough for folding chairs? Even if they're not, get some folding chairs at Ikea so you have *somewhere* to sit, then store them in a closet or somewhere and you'll have extra chairs for company. -But beware of these - they look kinda nice but are pretty uncomfortable.

Kathleen said...

The balconies are definitely big enough - we got a little set of balcony furniture from the people moving to the US. But we actually bought an eating table and chairs the other day! The chairs are hideous but remarkably comfortable so I won't be relegated to the exercise ball.