27 May 2010

home improvement

While I have been rather quiet here things have been happening. Specifically, things around the apartment. Zoli has been putting his carpentry skills to good use in order to improve our kitchen and the results are quite fabulous.

First he made us a pot rack, which made me inordinately happy. (This was back in February. I'm a little behind.)

Then we got our act together and made a decision about how to add some eating space in the kitchen. One long wall was bare except for the heater - wasted space unless you counted the top of the (safely turned off) heater, which served as a very narrow shelf. We had been talking about getting/making/building something since we moved in and after much bickering and disagreement about how it should be done this is the final result.

Zoli took the bus to the lumber store for the very large, very heavy piece of wood, I took the bus to Ikea (in a snow storm! Highly recommended) for the legs. Zoli got to make measurements and saw some stuff and make a mess, I got to melt beeswax and walnut oil together for the finish and make a mess.

We both got to use the drill. All in all it was an excellent compromise. We even found some stools without too much difficulty - so now I can sit in the kitchen in the morning and eat breakfast, looking out at our suddenly-green courtyard. It really is finally spring.

1 comment:

oma said...

you're back! i've missed your deutsche adventures. the table and pot rack are beautiful. does this mean you're not coming back state-side for a while?